Newsletter - Wednesday 23 August 2023
Principals Report
Dear Parents/Carers,
Our Grade 3/4 students are having a fantastic time on camp in the city visiting the MCG & National Gallery Victoria (NGV) on their first day and looking forward to the Zoo on Thursday.
Teddy Bear Picnic: The Teddy Bear Picnic for our Junior students has been rescheduled to Wednesday 30 August, see full details via SeeSaw.
Book Week: We will celebrate Book Week next week with lots of activities for the children including our Book Week Dress Up Day Thursday 31 August. See the flyer below for full details.
Fathers Day: We are looking forward to our Father’s Day activities over the coming week.
- Fathers Day Stall will be held on Wednesday 30 August
- Fathers Day Breakfast: Friday 1 September, 7- 8:30am - Bring Dad or a Special Father figure
- Father’s Day Raffle: Drawn at the breakfast on Friday 1 September
See flyer below for full details.
District Athletics: Tuesday 29 August: We have 52 of our senior students competing in District Athletics next week, we wish them every success.
Lions Junior Public Speaking Competition: Congratulations and good luck to Lachlan Chapman and Charlotte Hughes who have been invited to compete in this event on Friday 1 September.
Sacrament of Confirmation: Saturday 9 September: There are a number of activities in the coming weeks for our Gr 6 Sacramental Candidates - a Learning Mass,Parent/Child Workshop and Confirmation Reflection Day which will include all Grade 6 students. Please take note of these events via the PAM calendar and Upcoming Dates below.
Footy Day: Monday 11 September: We look forward to Footy Day each year with Footy Day lunch and the whole school dressing in their team colours (all codes welcome). See flyer below for further details. Footy Day lunch order must be placed by Friday 8 September.
Enrolment 2024: A reminder that anyone wishing to enrol for 2024 should contact the office ASAP to book an interview and get their enrolment paperwork submitted to ensure a position. Foundation Orientation: Our Foundation Orientation Program commences mid October, families who have enrolled for 2024 will receive information in relation to this at the beginning of next week.
Chris Dortmans, Principal
Book Week Schedule
Father's Day - Breakfast, Stall & Raffle
Religious Education News
This term each class has been focusing on the topic of ‘Prayer’. Prayer is a deeply personal and meaningful practice for Christians that involves communicating with God. It is a way for individuals to express their thoughts, hopes, and feelings, seeking guidance, comfort, or gratitude. Whether done silently or aloud, prayer serves as a way to connect with one’s spirituality and find solace in moments of reflection.
Our students have been learning the ways people pray and how this can look different with each person and across different religions. Over the last few weeks, our Junior students have been learning about traditional prayers, such as the ‘Our Father’, as well as how to write their own prayers. Here are some of the lovely prayers of petition written by the F/1 students:
‘Dear God, I hope you can help my Mum to feel better. Amen.’
‘Dear God, I hope my Nanna feels better because she is sick. Can you help my Nanna? Amen.’
Alycia Matthews, Religious Education Leader
Upcoming dates:
24/8: F/1/2 Class Mass (all welcome to attend) @9:15am
27/8: Confirmation Learning Mass (for Confirmation Candidates) @9:30am
31/8: Confirmation Workshop @6:30pm
31/8: Grade 5/6 Class Mass (all welcome to attend) @9:15am
9/9: The Sacrament of Confirmation Mass @6pm
Pray Together
Footy Day - Monday 11 Sept
Upcoming Events
Meet Your Teacher Day
All day |
Killara Christmas Carols - Choir only
All day |
End of Year Mass - Whole School
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM |
Reports go home via PAM
All day |
Assembly (34B presenting assembly item)
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM |
Term 4 Concludes
8:50 AM - 3:10 PM |
OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)
After School Hours Care operates out of the St Johns hall before and after school.
Please contact OSHC directly for all enquiries:
Alternatively you can visit them in the hall before or after school to enquire.