Newsletter - Wednesday 6 September 23
Principals Report

Dear Parents/Carers,
I would like to thank all the families who took part in the ‘Future Camps’ survey. The majority (63%) voted for the Yearly Yr 5&6 (2-night) camp, the Extended Day excursion for Yr 3&4 and the Evening at School for Yr 2.
We are in the process of investigating options for our Yr 5&6 camp for next year and planning for various excursions.
Congratulations to Charlotte Hughes (Yr6) and Lachlan Chapman (Yr4) for winning the Lions Club District Junior Public Speaking Finals against our local schools. They both go onto the regional level which will be held early next term. We are all so proud of them and wish them luck going forward.
Book Week Dress-Up Day was filled with colour, laughter and amazing costumes. The children were so proud to parade in front of everyone. Choosing winners from each class was such a challenge for teachers. Thanks to you, the parents, for putting in such an effort for your children.
Our annual Father’s Day Breakfast last week was a huge success with so many dads coming along. Thank you to the school staff for cooking bacon and eggs while the dads enjoy spending time with their children in our school environment.
Thank you to The Friends of St John’s for organising the Father’s Day raffle and the stall where the students bought a small gift for their dads. I’m sure all the dads enjoyed their surprises on Sunday.
This Saturday, 13 of our Yr6 students will be making their Confirmation. Confirmation is a reaffirmation of the promises made by the Godparents at Baptism, however now the children are old enough to make these promises for themselves. Bishop Greg will be celebrating Mass with the children. Please remember them over the weekend.
Footy Day - Next Monday is our annual Footy Day, come dressed in your team's colours. All footy codes welcome and a special Footy Day lunch can be ordered through CDF pay—orders close Friday 8th September. See flyer as part of this newsletter.
(Please note, there will be no other lunch orders in the canteen on this day)
Uniform/Makeup/Jewellery - A reminder to families that full school uniform is to be worn at all times.
- Students are not permitted to wear makeup of any description.
- Jewellery other than small, plain stud or sleeper earrings is not permitted.
- Hair accessories must be in school colours.
- Sport Uniform - Is only to be worn on sport days or for excursions as advised in the excursion information. Any runners can be worn in conjunction with sports uniform.
- Shoes - Black leather shoes or fully black leather runners (no platform soles & no mesh runners).
Sick Bay/Injury Advices to Parents - Commencing Thursday 7 Sept we will use the Sick Pass function in PAM which will provide an electronic advice of your child's visit to sick bay during the day in place of our current paper based advice. Things to note in relation to Sick Passes:
- All sick passes for the day will send at 3pm
- This is simply a record of your child’s visit to sick bay and the treatment they received
- Parents will still be contacted by phone where appropriate in relation to illness/injury
- Sick Passes can be viewed in your child’s Profile in PAM
PAM Permissions - Some important reminders in regard to PAM requests/excursion permissions:
- A reminder that permission requests via PAM must be actioned promptly to avoid unnecessary followup or your child missing out on an event - as a rule these are usually required to be actioned within a week of being opened.
- It is important to read the information provided in the permission request, note dates your child will be on excursion and details such as uniform to be worn, times etc. You can revisit excursion information in PAM at any time - select your child's profile, then School Activities from their Profile Menu, then View for the required activity.
- PAM is also used to collect other information such as Term by Term Bus information, Canteen Helper Requests, Fathers Day/Mothers Day responses - we use Connect Surveys for these items, an active Connect Survey will show in the Bell Icon in PAM and will drop down when you sign in.
- If you need any help with finding this information or managing your PAM account please see Di at the office.
- See PAM Parent Info - Part 1 below to help you get the most out of PAM.
Summer Uniform Term 4 - A reminder that students are to commence wearing summer uniform from the beginning of Term 4 , this includes hats being worn for all outdoor activities. Don’t forget to place uniform orders before Thursday 14 September to ensure you have what you need to start the term.
End of Term - Thursday 14 September - Students will finish the term on Thursday 14 September at 3:10pm. Friday 15 September is a student free day for the purpose of staff professional development.
Term 4 will commence on Monday 2 October.
Chris Dortmans, Principal
PAM Parent Info ~ Part 1
Religious Education News

Last week the ‘Tinnies For Vinnies’ St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal ended and we are so thankful for all of the generous donations from students and families over the past month. Every class donated large amounts of food items and winter woollies which will go directly to support those in our community who are doing it tough. Our Social Justice Leaders Lacey, Maliyah, Indi and Samuel have done a brilliant job of promoting this appeal across our school. Thank you everyone for your support with this important cause.
This Saturday we celebrate many of our Year Six students who are making their Sacrament of Confirmation. This sacrament is a profound moment when our students reaffirm their faith and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is a testament to their hard work, perseverance, and the support they have received from their families, teachers, and our entire school community. As they continue to grow, this sacrament will serve as a foundation for their faith and values, guiding them in making ethical and compassionate choices throughout their lives. We are excited to welcome Bishop Greg Bennet back to St John’s to lead us in this special celebration. Congratulations to the students and may the Holy Spirit's guidance lead them to a life filled with love, joy, and purpose.
Alycia Matthews, Religious Education Leader
Upcoming dates:
9/9 - Sacrament of Confirmation @6pm
14/9 - End of Term 3 Whole school Mass @9.15am (all welcome)
Pray Together

Footy Day ~ Monday 11 September

Jolly Socks Fundraser - Orders close 6 Oct
Upcoming Events
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Parent Teacher Interviews
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Sacramental Information Night at St James, Nar Nar Goon
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM |
District Swimming (Qualified Competitors Only) - see PAM for full details
All day |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Eucharist Committment Mass
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Mass - Junior Grades (F - 2)
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM |
Parent Teacher Interviews
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Eucharist Workshop
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM |
Public Holiday - Labour day
All day |
Student Free Day (Staff Professional Development)
All day |
Division Swimming (Qualified Competitors only)
All day |
Uniform Shop

A reminder that Term 4 is Winter Uniform - last unifrom shop day before commencement of Term 4 is Thursday 14 September.
Uniform orders are processed on Monday & Thursday, orders must be placed by 2pm on these days via CDFpay (uniform shop is online only please follow the link above to access CDFpay).
For exchanges or general enquiries in regard to sizing, second hand uniform etc please email Belinda:
Exchanges: After emailing the details of your exchange requirements please drop the item at the office with your name attached, exchanges will be processed on the next uniform shop day.
Please note: All items being exchanged MUST be unwashed with tags still attached.
As we are a ‘Sun Smart School’ we also require the children to wear a school hat from September to April with the ‘No Hat-No Play’ policy strictly enforced during 1st and 4th terms.
School uniform guidelines are in the process of being updated and will be available shortly.
Art Show ~ Thursday 9 November

OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)

After School Hours Care operates out of the St Johns hall before and after school.
Please contact OSHC directly for all enquiries:
Alternatively you can visit them in the hall before or after school to enquire.
Koo Wee Rup Catholic Parishes in Partnership