Newsletter - Wednesday 4 Oct 23
Principals Report
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to the start of Term 4, I hope you had an enjoyable holiday period with your family. Fourth term in schools is very busy and this year is no exception! Please make sure to read the newsletter and check the calendar in PAM for event details etc.
After winning the Lion’s District Junior Public Speaking Competition, Lachlan Chapman and Charlotte Hughes will be competing in the Regional Competition next Monday evening. If you would like to hear their speeches, please join us at our assembly next Monday at 2:30pm.
Our final Inform and Empower sessions for the year start next week for students Yr’s 1 to 6. We hope these sessions and the information sheets provided, have been of value for you to continue the conversation with your children in becoming more aware, clever, kind and brave online citizens.
During October, we will be practising marching in preparation for our annual House Marching Competition held on Grandparents’ Day, 10th November. Coordination and timing are key, so be prepared for a lot of ‘left, right, left’.
SOCKTOBER is our Social Justice focus for October. Socktober is an initiative of Catholic Mission and one way in which our school can fundraise and engage in supporting Catholic Mission during World Mission Month in October. Classes are invited to fill a sock with loose change during the month of October and on 16th October we will have a Crazy Sock Day (gold coin donation) - see flyer below for full details.
Jolly Sock Fundraiser - The Friends of St Johns sock fundraiser will close on Friday 6 Oct, purchases can be made through CDFpay, see flyer below for full details.
October also sees the start of our Foundation Transition/Orientation program. Our program is designed to introduce next year’s Foundation children to the classroom environment, our staff and learning programs in a fun and exciting way. Children get the opportunity to sit in the classrooms and actively participate in learning activities. Our first session is on 16th October, commencing at 2pm - full details were emailed to families on 5 September. Please contact the office if you have any queries.
Summer Uniform Term 4 - A reminder that students are to commence wearing summer uniform from the beginning of Term4 , this includes hats being worn for all outdoor activities. Students without hats will be required to play in the undercover area at recess and lunch times.
Uniform/Makeup/Jewellery - A reminder to families that full school uniform is to be worn at all times.
- Students are not permitted to wear makeup of any description or nail polish.
- Jewellery other than small, plain stud or sleeper earrings is not permitted.
- Hair accessories must be in school colours.
- Sport Uniform - Is only to be worn on sport days or for excursions as advised in the excursion information. Any runners can be worn in conjunction with sports uniform.
- Shoes - Black leather shoes or fully black leather runners (no platform soles & no mesh runners).
Grandparents Day - will be held on Friday 10 November, further information will be provided in our next newsletter.
Chris Dortmans, Principal
Religious Education News
This term we are focusing on the question, ‘How am I called to serve?’. This topic is all about investigating the teachings of Jesus and looking at ways we can follow in his example by loving our neighbours and being compassionate towards others. Over the next few weeks, each class will learn about Jesus’ life and how we can answer God’s call to serve others in our modern world. This topic also helps us to understand the Catholic Social Teaching Principle of The Common Good - we will be learning how a true community is one where the common good is reached by working together to better the wellbeing of all people in our community and the wider world.
As part of our learning about ‘Service’, we are also launching our annual Socktober fundraiser. Over the next few weeks our Social Justice Leaders will be raising awareness about this initiative and encouraging our school community to get involved and raise funds to support vulnerable children in Timor-Leste to access better health, nutritional and educational outcomes. On Monday October 16 we will be participating in ‘Crazy Sock Day’ to support this cause.
Alycia Matthews, Religious Education Leader

Jolly Socks Fundraser - Orders close 6 Oct
Crazy Sock Day - Monday 16 October

Art Show ~ Thursday 9 November
Upcoming Events
Sacrament of Eucharist Mass - St John's Church
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM |
Term 1 concludes, 3:10pm finish
8:50 AM - 3:10 PM |
Easter Play (St Johns Church) Families welcome
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM |
Assembly for Easter Raffle Draw (Families welcome)
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Student Free Day (Staff Professional Development)
All day |
Public Holiday - Easter Monday
All day |
Term 2 Commences
All day |
Public Holiday - ANZAC Day
All day |
Uniform Shop

A reminder that Term 4 is Summer Uniform & hats must be worn for all outdoor play and sporting activities.
Uniform orders are processed on Monday & Thursday, orders must be placed by 2pm on these days via CDFpay (uniform shop is online only please follow the link above to access CDFpay).
For exchanges or general enquiries in regard to sizing, second hand uniform etc please email Belinda:
Exchanges: After emailing the details of your exchange requirements please drop the item at the office with your name attached, exchanges will be processed on the next uniform shop day.
Please note: All items being exchanged MUST be unwashed with tags still attached.
As we are a ‘Sun Smart School’ we also require the children to wear a school hat from September to April with the ‘No Hat-No Play’ policy strictly enforced during 1st and 4th terms.
School uniform guidelines are in the process of being updated and will be available shortly.
Canteen is open on Mondays and Thursdays for lunch orders all orders must be placed via CDFpay prior to 8:45am on canteen days. Please note: Late orders cannot be accepted.
If you have any queries in relation to canteen please email
OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)

After School Hours Care operates out of the St Johns hall before and after school.
Please contact OSHC directly for all enquiries:
Alternatively you can visit them in the hall before or after school to enquire.
Koo Wee Rup Catholic Parishes in Partnership