St Johns Newsletter - 15 November 2023
Principals Report
Religious Education News
Grandparents Day & Art Show Photos
Whole School Colour Event - Friday 8 Dec
Community News - CWA Christmas Tree Decorations & Lang Lang Soccer Club
Upcoming Events
Uniform Shop & Canteen
OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)
Koo Wee Rup Catholic Parishes in Partnership
Principals Report
Dear Parents/Carers
Last week families had the opportunity to take part in two fantastic events which are surely going to be highlights in our memories of the 2023 year.
The St Johns Art Show was a fantastic evening with our families enjoying music, food trucks, raffle prizes, auctions and of course the students' amazing artworks. Congratulations to the winning bidders for our class artworks, we raised approx. $1100 on the auction.
Our raffle winners also received some great prizes:
1st - Jeanette Paulding
2nd - Evie Smith
3rd - Patrick Ould-Feltham
4th - Agilan Sureshkumar
A special thanks to our Art Teacher, Bec Taylor, for coordinating the event with the support of staff & the Friends of St Johns.
Grandparents Day saw the church full as we acknowledged and celebrated all that Grandparents give to us. Joan Hester provided a beautiful reflection on what it means to be a Grandparent and students finished the liturgy with a moving rendition of the song ‘We are One”. Our visitors enjoyed morning tea as they wandered through the Art Show. This was followed by our House Athletics and Marching competition. Congratulations to MacKillop (Blue) House for winning the marching competition, and to Scott (Green) House for taking out the overall athletics title for 2023.
We also presented farewell gifts to Grandparents who will be finishing their association with St John’s at the end of the year and concluded the event with a sausage sizzle lunch. Thanks to our staff and Friends of St Johns volunteers for all of the organisation that goes into this event, what a fabulous day.
RSL Remembrance Day: A special CONGRATULATIONS goes to Lexie Cooper for receiving the Remembrance Day award for St John’s. Lexie consistently demonstrates the qualities of mateship, service, courage and sacrifice. Thanks to Charlea Wright for representing St John’s at the Remembrance Day Service.
Parking near the school crossing: I would like to remind parents/carers that parking within the crossing area while the flags are displayed, is illegal. Please also note that the parking zone between the student crossing and the opening to our carpark is only for 2 mins during crossing times. Infringements of either of these regulations can attract a fine from Council.
Security Cameras (CCTV): This term, the 6 security cameras on the new build were activated. Their use is strictly for assisting to detect and deter vandalism, unauthorised entry into buildings, theft, other unwanted activities and monitoring emergency situations, should they occur. They are not used to monitor students. A number of additional CCTV cameras will be installed to cover other access points to the school.
Container Deposit Scheme Victoria: From 1 November, eligible drink containers can be exchanged for 10 cents. Many of the fruit drink boxes children bring to school, including the ones sold through the canteen, are eligible to be collected. A BLUE bin has been placed near the canteen for the collection of any eligible drink containers. We are in the process of registering our school as an eligible Donation Partner. More information in following weeks.
Foundation Orientation concludes next Monday, it has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm of our 31 Foundation children enrolled for next year. The excitement of seeing these new children ready to start their journey at St John’s brings with it the realisation that we will soon be farewelling our Year 6 students. With only 17 more days of school left, they are busily preparing for their end of year, reflecting on their time at St Johns and preparing to start Yr 7 with Transition/Orientation activities.
Chris Dortmans, Principal
Religious Education News
In the midst of current wars and tensions around the world, the importance of fostering peace cannot be overstated. Pope Francis, in his encyclical "Fratelli Tutti," emphasises the need for solidarity and the rejection of war as a solution to problems. As members of a Catholic community, we are called to embody the teachings of love, compassion, and reconciliation in our daily lives.
In times of conflict, prayer becomes a powerful tool for seeking solace and guidance. Through prayer, we can connect with a higher purpose and ask for the strength to be instruments of peace. The Catholic tradition teaches us that prayer is not only a personal act but also a communal one, binding us together in a shared pursuit of harmony.
As we navigate the complexities of our world, let us draw strength from our community and the teachings of Jesus. By integrating prayer into our daily lives and embodying the values of peace in our interactions, we become agents of positive change, contributing to a world where conflicts are resolved through understanding rather than violence.
This Thursday 16th November we are holding a whole-school Prayer Service for Peace. All are welcome to attend and join us in praying for peace in our world during these times of conflict.
Alycia Matthews, Religious Education Leader

Grandparents Day & Art Show Photos
Grandparents Day

Art Show

Whole School Colour Event - Friday 8 Dec

To celebrate the end of year and farewell our Grade 6’s, we are holding a Colour Event on Fri 8th December.
This will be a casual clothes day and children are encouraged to wear eye protection (swimming goggles work well) and a white/light coloured t-shirt to show-off the colours. Appropriate enclosed footwear must be worn. The children, in their grade levels, will run through an obstacle type course where staff will spray Indian Holi powder on the children’s clothing.
The Holi colour powder is non-toxic, non-flammable, skin safe, biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Made of corn starch and food grade colours, it is safe for all.
An example can be watched:
Please discuss this event with your child (perhaps watch the video together) and select the level of participation your child is comfortable with via the Connect Field request in PAM before Wednesday 29 November.
Community News - CWA Christmas Tree Decorations & Lang Lang Soccer Club

Upcoming Events
Sacrament of Eucharist Mass - St John's Church
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM |
Term 1 concludes, 3:10pm finish
8:50 AM - 3:10 PM |
Easter Play (St Johns Church) Families welcome
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM |
Assembly for Easter Raffle Draw (Families welcome)
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Student Free Day (Staff Professional Development)
All day |
Public Holiday - Easter Monday
All day |
Term 2 Commences
All day |
Public Holiday - ANZAC Day
All day |
Uniform Shop & Canteen

Canteen is open on Mondays and Thursdays for lunch orders all orders must be placed via CDFpay prior to 8:45am on canteen days. Please note: Late orders cannot be accepted.
Upcoming Canteen Closure Days - Thursday 23 & Monday 27 November
If you have any queries in relation to canteen please email
Uniform Shop
Uniform orders are processed on Monday & Thursday, orders must be placed by 2pm on these days via CDFpay (uniform shop is online only please follow the link above to access CDFpay).
For exchanges or general enquiries in regard to sizing, second hand uniform etc please email Belinda:
Exchanges: After emailing the details of your exchange requirements please drop the item at the office with your name attached, exchanges will be processed on the next uniform shop day.
Please note: All items being exchanged MUST be unwashed with tags still attached.
As we are a ‘Sun Smart School’ we also require the children to wear a school hat from September to April with the ‘No Hat-No Play’ policy strictly enforced during 1st and 4th terms.
School uniform guidelines are in the process of being updated and will be available shortly.
OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)

After School Hours Care operates out of the St Johns hall before and after school.
Please contact OSHC directly for all enquiries:
Alternatively you can visit them in the hall before or after school to enquire.
Koo Wee Rup Catholic Parishes in Partnership