St Johns Newsletter - 29 May 2024
Principals Report

Catholic Education Week provided us with the opportunity to celebrate everything that is special about Catholic School and especially how wonderful it is to be part of the St John’s school and parish community. Our combined Masses allowed our 3 Parish Schools to come together, celebrate and play. We were fortunate to have the St Francis Xavier choir and musicians support our singing at the Foundation to Yr 2 Mass. Thank you to the parents, friends and parishioners who joined us at each venue.
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
Reconciliation Week begins with the anniversary of the 1967 Referendum and ends with the anniversary of the Mabo Decision.
The theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will and must continue.
Our Catholic Social Teaching says that the life and dignity of all peoples should always be protected
On Thursday 30 May, we ask all in our school community to wear a touch of RED, YELLOW & BLACK. Then as a school, we will come together at 9:15am for a ‘Reconciliation Mass’. We encourage as many as possible within our school and parish community to join us.
Early Sign Out of Students: Signing students out early has become quite a common practice of late, particularly during and after lunch, and can be very disruptive to classrooms. Please consider whether it is necessary to sign students out early and consider the following:
- Each announcement over the PA system interrupts all 9 classrooms where teachers are trying to teach and students trying to learn.
- A phone call to a classroom interrupts the teacher from their role of teaching our students.
- Students must be accompanied by other students when being sent to the office taking these children from their learning.
- If your child is being signed out regularly, they are missing out on important learning time.
- Picking up during lunchtime - students often do not hear the PA announcements and then need to gain access to a classroom (which are locked at recess & lunch) to get their belongings.
- Could you time your early pick up to a more suitable time?
- Between 1:10 and 1:20pm - this is the beginning of lunch when students are still in their classroom and are easily accessible without disrupting teaching time.
- 2pm to 2:05pm - this is directly after lunch before students are settled into their afternoon learning and is less disruptive.
We do understand that from time to time there is a need to sign your child/children out early for appointments and unforeseen circumstances and this is fine. If you are aware in advance a note or email to your child’s teacher may allow for your child to be organised ready to go at the allocated time.
If you need to collect your child/children due to a family emergency please call the office in advance and we will arrange for your child/children to be ready when you arrive.
Late arrivals: A reminder also that school commences at 8:50am and the smoothest start to the day for everyone comes from students being at school prior to the first bell. Students arriving from 9am onwards MUST be signed in at the office as they will have missed the roll mark.
The Blessing and Official Opening of Senior Learning Area & Library has been scheduled for Friday 21 June, families will receive an invitation in the coming weeks.
Chris Dortmans, Principal
Religious Education News
National Reconciliation Week 2024: Now More Than Ever
National Reconciliation Week began on 27 May 2024, marking the anniversary of the 1967 Referendum, a pivotal moment in Australian history when over 90% of voters chose to count Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the census and empower the Government to address inequalities. This significant week concludes on 3 June, Mabo Day, which celebrates Eddie Koiki Mabo's landmark case that recognised the long-standing connection of the Meriam people to Mer Island, rejecting the idea that the land belonged to no one. These historical milestones remind us of the ongoing journey towards justice and equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Our Catholic school community values the role we play in fostering strong relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and non-Indigenous people. The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2024, "Now More Than Ever," calls us to action, emphasising the importance of continuing the fight for justice and rights. This theme resonates deeply with Catholic teachings on justice, dignity, and solidarity. As we commemorate this week, we are reminded of our commitment to work together in building a just and inclusive society, honouring the rich cultural heritage of our First Nations peoples.
This week, we will come together as a school for Reconciliation Week Mass. All are welcome to attend, and we hope you can join us.
Alycia Matthews, Religious Education Leader
Upcoming dates
Thursday 30/5: Whole school Reconciliation Week Mass @9.15am
Thursday 13/6: Grade 3-6 Class Mass @9.15am
Thursday 20/6: Grade F-2 Class Mass @9.15am
Pray Together

STEM Showcase - 12 & 13 June

Friends of St Johns - Pie Drive & School Disco
Don't forget to order your pies from our annual Pie Drive - orders close Wednesday 5 June.
Disco tickets go on sale today via CDFpay - see full details below.

Explore SchoolTV today!
Because parenting doesn't come with instructions, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that has been implemented at St John’s to help support you in the challenges of modern-day parenting relating to youth mental health and wellbeing. Parenting is a learning journey and SchoolTV supports families by providing credible information from trusted sources with practical strategies to help alleviate some of the challenges being faced by young people today.
Watch video interviews with leading wellbeing specialists and browse a library of resources. Each topic is accompanied by factsheets, podcasts, books, articles, apps and other videos.
Upcoming Events
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Parent Teacher Interviews
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Sacramental Information Night at St James, Nar Nar Goon
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM |
District Swimming (Qualified Competitors Only) - see PAM for full details
All day |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Eucharist Committment Mass
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Mass - Junior Grades (F - 2)
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM |
Parent Teacher Interviews
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Eucharist Workshop
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM |
Public Holiday - Labour day
All day |
Student Free Day (Staff Professional Development)
All day |
Division Swimming (Qualified Competitors only)
All day |
Koo Wee Rup Catholic Parishes in Partnership

OSHC Holiday Program - Bookings close 14 June
OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)

After School Hours Care operates out of the St Johns hall before and after school.
Please contact OSHC directly for all enquiries:
Alternatively you can visit them in the hall before or after school to enquire.
Container Deposit Scheme

St Johns has registered to fundraise through the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme.
If you wish to donate your refund to the school please either:
- Search for -St Johns School Koo Wee Rup, or
- Use the code above