St Johns Newsletter - 28 August 2024
Principals Report
Religious Education News
Father's Day - Breakfast, Liturgy, Stall & Raffle
Footy Day - Thur 5 Sept (Footy Day Lunch Orders close Friday 30 Aug)
Wellbeing Day - Friday 13 September
Sock Fundraiser - Orders close Fri 20 Sept
Upcoming Events
Whole School Musical - Save the date!
St Francis Xavier Yr 7, 2026 Tours
Koo Wee Rup Catholic Parishes in Partnership
OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)
Principals Report
Next week is National Child Protection Week: 1st to 7th September. This year, the National Child Protection Week message that ‘Every child in every community needs a fair go’ will be complemented with the theme ‘Every conversation matters’.
Conversations are powerful tools to keep children and young people safe and well.
Conversations can help us understand issues, craft solutions, value community knowledge, and build the brains and social connections of children and young people.
Conversations between
…children and their parents/caregivers matter
…children and their peers matter
…families with teachers, doctors, and other professionals matter
…friends or neighbours matter
…decision-makers and the communities they serve matter.
And, of course, conversations in the public realm and media matter.
So please take this opportunity to have these conversations, and to listen to what each other is saying.
See video below from the Bishop and Director of Catholic Education Diocese of Sale.
Book Week Dress-Up Day was filled with colour, laughter and amazing costumes with the children proud to parade in front of everyone. Choosing winners from each class was such a challenge for teachers. Thanks to you, the parents, for putting in such an effort for your children.
Sacrament of Confirmation: This evening, 9 of our Yr6 students will be completing their Sacrament of Confirmation with a number of students from St James, Nar Nar Goon and Columba, Bunyip. Our thoughts and prayers are with them on this special occasion. I would like to thank our Religious Education Leader, Alycia Matthews and the Parish Sacramental Coordinator, Leonie Hester for the time they have put into organising this event.
District Athletics were held today at Casey Fields with St Johns placing second overall and eleven of our students qualifying for Division Athletics on the 18th of September. Congratulations to everyone and good luck to students competing at Division.
We wish all dads a wonderful Father’s Day on Sunday. Dads have a vital role to play in the lives of their children, every word, every action, every smile, every frown, everything a dad does is an example for children. We hope that you have a moment on Sunday when the love of your children will be abundantly clear for you to see. It might be the smile on their face, the look in their eye, the hug they give. It may even be that they actually laugh at your Dad jokes.
We look forward to seeing our dads for breakfast on Friday and please join us after this for our Father’s Day Liturgy at 9.15am. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate our dads.
Footy Day: Thursday of next week is our annual Footy Day, come dressed in your team's colours. All footy codes welcome and a special Footy Day lunch can be ordered through CDF pay—orders close Friday 30th August. See flyer as part of this newsletter.
St John's Facebook Page: It’s great to see a number of families following our page, over the next week we will be adding photos from a few recent events, you can find our page via the link below:
Chris Dortmans, Principal
Important Health Notice
The Department of Health, Victoria, has issued a health alert regarding a rise in pertussis (whooping cough) cases in the state.
Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory illness, often characterised by a persistent cough, which can lead to life-threatening infections in babies.
Please be vigilant and monitor your child for any symptoms of respiratory illness, especially those resembling a cough. Given that the early symptoms of pertussis can be very similar to other respiratory infections, it is crucial to seek a diagnosis from your General Practitioner as soon as possible if your child exhibits any of these signs.
We kindly remind you to keep your child at home if they are unwell to help prevent the spread of illness within our school community.
Exclusion Guidelines for Diagnosed Cases and Contacts
For diagnosed cases of pertussis:
- Students diagnosed with pertussis should be excluded from primary school for at least 21 days after the onset of the cough, or until they have completed five (5) days of effective antibiotic treatment.
- The treating doctor will handle the necessary notifications to the Department of Health.
For contacts of diagnosed cases:
- Exclusion applies only to contacts who meet all three of the following criteria:
- Are under 7 years of age;
- Are in the same class as the diagnosed student;
- Have not received three (3) effective doses of the pertussis vaccine.
- Students meeting these criteria should be excluded for 14 days after their last exposure to the infectious case, or until they have completed five (5) days of effective antibiotic treatment.
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated as we work together to ensure the health and safety of all our students.
Religious Education News
This Friday, after our Father’s Day Breakfast, we continue to celebrate the fathers and father figures in our students’ lives at our Father’s Day Liturgy. We reflect on the important role that fathers play in our lives, much like Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, who showed deep love and care for Him. Joseph's example teaches us about the importance of family, love, and faith. We look forward to this special time with our school community.
This week we also celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for many of our Year 6 students. They have spent most of the term preparing for this special time and have been wonderfully supported by their peers. Each Grade 5/6 student has created a ‘Saint Project’, where they researched the life of a Catholic Saint who inspires them. They have all done an incredible job and are on display in the Church, please pay a visit to have a look if you get the chance.
Alycia Matthews, Religious Education Leader
Upcoming dates
28/8: Sacrament of Confirmation Masses @5pm and 7pm
30/8: Father’s Day Liturgy @9:15am
Pray Together

Father's Day - Breakfast, Liturgy, Stall & Raffle

Footy Day - Thur 5 Sept (Footy Day Lunch Orders close Friday 30 Aug)

Wellbeing Day - Friday 13 September

Sock Fundraiser - Orders close Fri 20 Sept

Upcoming Events
Sacrament of Eucharist Mass - St John's Church
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM |
Term 1 concludes, 3:10pm finish
8:50 AM - 3:10 PM |
Easter Play (St Johns Church) Families welcome
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM |
Assembly for Easter Raffle Draw (Families welcome)
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Student Free Day (Staff Professional Development)
All day |
Public Holiday - Easter Monday
All day |
Term 2 Commences
All day |
Public Holiday - ANZAC Day
All day |
Whole School Musical - Save the date!
Wednesday October 30th, Bunjil Place, Narre Warren
Students are working hard rehearsing and are looking forward to the Production.
Further information will be provided closer to the event in regard to arrangements & ticketing etc.

St Francis Xavier Yr 7, 2026 Tours
Koo Wee Rup Catholic Parishes in Partnership

OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)

After School Hours Care operates out of the St Johns hall before and after school.
Please contact OSHC directly for all enquiries:
Alternatively you can visit them in the hall before or after school to enquire.