St Johns Newsletter - 23 October 2024
Principals Report
World Teachers Day 25 October 2024: This year World Teachers Day (WTD) falls on Friday 25 October. WTD provides an opportunity to celebrate teachers and all school staff within our school for the work they do in educating, inspiring and supporting our children and young people. I had added the video address by Paul Velten, the Director of Catholic Education for our Diocese.

Your child’s first smartphone – are they old enough?
Children often have access to devices, including smartphones, from a very young age. Whether it’s watching their favourite program through streaming services on your phone, using educational apps or simply viewing photos with you and the family, they are engaging with devices in one form or another. But when is your child old enough to be given their own phone? The flyer attached, put out by the ‘eSafety Commissioner’ provides some answers and useful tips.
A reminder that all phones and smart devices (watches included) MUST be handed in to the office each morning.
Permissions via PAM: There are a number of permissions going out on PAM over the coming weeks, please action these requests at your eraliest convenience to ensure your child can attend events.
Regional Athletics: Congratulations to Peyton, Corey and Mitchell who represented St Johns at Regional Athletics on Monday, what a fantastic achievement to compete at this level.
A reminder that Monday 4 November is a Student Free Day.
Grandparents Day will be held on Friday 8 November, this is one of the most enjoyable extra-curricular events on the St John's calendar. The schedule of events is detailed below - a reminder that sausage sizzle orders close on Monday 4 November to allow for ordering.
Chris Dortmans, Principal
Alice In Wonderland JR. - Wed 30 Oct

Our whole school production is only a week away!!
Please ensure that you have read all the information provided carefully, this will help with the smooth running of both the daytime rehearsal and the night performance.
Detailed information in regard to drop off & pick up of students for the night performance and general reminders will be emailed to families over the coming days.
Don't forget to order your tickets, we would love the students to perform to a full house. Ticket link below:
The link to order a recording of the production will be sent via email tomorrow.
Religious Education News
This Term our whole school Religion focus is the theme of Justice. As a school, we will be exploring the question, ‘How can I make the world a better place for everyone?’. This focus invites us to reflect on how we can be active participants in promoting fairness and equality, standing up for what is right, and showing kindness to others in their daily lives, as Jesus did.
Throughout the term, students will learn about various ways to live out justice in their own communities and the world around them. We will also explore the Catholic Social Teachings by delving into the Principles of Human Dignity, the Common Good, and the importance of Solidarity. Our focus will highlight how we can work towards a fair and just world by following the example of Jesus—through compassion, advocacy, and loving service to others. As we journey through these themes, we encourage students to engage in discussions with their families about how we can all contribute to making our world a more just and caring place for everyone.
Alycia Matthews, Religious Education Leader
Upcoming dates
24/10 Sacrament of Reconciliation Workshop (Sacrament students and their families) @6pm
8/11 Grandparent’s Day Liturgy @10am
Pray Together

Grandparents Day - Friday 8 November

Upcoming Events
Sacrament of Eucharist Mass - St John's Church
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM |
Term 1 concludes, 3:10pm finish
8:50 AM - 3:10 PM |
Easter Play (St Johns Church) Families welcome
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM |
Assembly for Easter Raffle Draw (Families welcome)
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM |
Student Free Day (Staff Professional Development)
All day |
Public Holiday - Easter Monday
All day |
Term 2 Commences
All day |
Public Holiday - ANZAC Day
All day |
OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)

After School Hours Care operates out of the St Johns hall before and after school.
Please contact OSHC directly for all enquiries:
Alternatively you can visit them in the hall before or after school to enquire.
Koo Wee Rup Catholic Parishes in Partnership