St Johns Newsletter - 20 November 2024
Principals Report
Dear Parents & Carers
Parking near the school crossing: I would like to remind parents/carers that parking within the crossing area (as indicated by signage) while the flags are displayed, is not only illegal but unsafe. Parking in this restricted area impedes the vision of the crossing attendant, children, parents and other traffic.
Please also note that the parking zone between the student crossing and the opening to our carpark is only for 2 mins during crossing times. Infringements of either of these regulations can attract a fine from Council.
Grandparents Day saw the church full as we acknowledged and celebrated all that Grandparents give to us. Eileen Crowley provided a beautiful reflection on what it means to be a Grandparent and the students finished the liturgy with a moving rendition of the song ‘We are One”. Our visitors enjoyed morning tea in the hall and chatting with students on the playground. This was followed by our House Athletics and Marching Competition. Congratulations to MacKillop (Blue) House for winning the marching competition, and to Scott (Green) House for taking out the overall athletics title for 2024.
We also presented farewell gifts to Grandparents who will be finishing their association with St John’s at the end of 2024 and concluded the event with a sausage sizzle lunch. Thanks to our staff and Friends of St John’s volunteers for all of the organisation that goes into this event, what a fabulous day.
Reconciliation Children: Over the past month, a number students from Grades 3 have been preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Last Thursday, they made their First Reconciliation here at St John’s Church with other children from St James, Nar Nar Goon and Columba, Bunyip. We congratulate them and commend them on their efforts.
Yr 3/4 Extended excursion: Last week, our Grade 3&4 students spent an extended day in Melbourne. They visited the Museum of Chinese Australian History, had the remarkable opportunity to see the live stage production of Beauty and the Beast at Her Majesty's Theatre and dined out in Lygon Street. Truly an incredible experience and wonderful memories.
Foundation Orientation concluded last Monday, it has been wonderful to see the enthusiasm of our 35 Foundation children enrolled for next year. The excitement of seeing these new children ready to start their journey at St John’s brings with it the realisation that we will soon be farewelling our Year 6 students. With only 19 more days of school left, they are busily preparing for their end of year, reflecting on their time at St Johns and preparing to start Yr 7 with Transition/Orientation activities.
Uniform Shop – Our onsite uniform shop will be closing at the end of this year and all St John's uniforms will be available through Beleza (in Pakenham) from January – further details and links to the online store will be emailed to families in early January.
Final uniform shop day for 2024 will be Thursday 12 December – we will also have an in person sale of items that are discontinuing and second hand uniforms on this day. Full details will be in the next newsletter.
A reminder that full school uniform is to be worn by all students, we have noticed a large number of students not abiding by our uniform policy of late, please note the following to help us maintain the sense of pride in wearing our uniform:
- Sports uniform is only for sports days or excursion days as advised, sports skirts, shorts and tops are not permitted to be worn on a daily basis. (Gr 6’s are permitted to wear their Gr 6 top every day)
- Jewellery - the only jewellery permitted is plain stud or sleeper earings. Necklaces are not permitted. Watches may be worn with the exception of smart watches which MUST be handed in to the office with mobile phones.
- Hairstyles should be neat and conventional.
- Hair should be kept clean.
- Hair extremes should be avoided,e.g. Mohawk, pattern shaving, unnatural colouring, etc.
- Long hair should be tied up using a hair tie or ribbon in school colours or a colour matching your hair.
- Makeup & Nail Polish/Fake Nails - are not permitted.
- Jumpers/Coats that are not uniform should not be worn - children who have misplaced their jumper can borrow an office jumper for the day if required.
Lost property: There are currently a large number of unnamed jumpers & bomber jackets in lost property. We strongly suggest that all jumpers are named as this allows us to return lost jumpers to their rightful owners.
Whole School Colour Event: Permissions will go out shortly for our whole school colour event to be held on Friday 6 December. Please see details below in reagrd to this and ensure permissions are actioned before Friday 29 November.
Chris Dortmans, Principal
Religious Education News
Advent is a special time in the Church calendar where we prepare our hearts and minds for the coming of Jesus at Christmas. It spans four weeks, each marked by a focus on hope, peace, joy, and love, symbolised by the lighting of the candles on the Advent wreath. This season invites us to slow down and reflect on God’s love and the promise of salvation. At school we are encouraged to nurture our faith and grow closer to God through prayer, reflection, and meaningful action during this time of preparation.
This year, our Advent celebrations will centre around the inquiry theme, "Good things come to those who wait." In classrooms, students will engage with Advent scripture and reflect on its meaning through prayer, art, and discussion. The Advent wreath will take pride of place in each classroom as a visual reminder of our journey towards Christmas. In our classes, we will also come together for prayer services and acts of kindness that embody the spirit of the season. Through these activities, we hope to guide students in understanding the importance of waiting with faith and preparing with joy for the birth of Christ.
Alycia Matthews, Religious Education Leader
Upcoming dates
4/12: Grade 6 Graduation Mass @7pm
12/12: Whole School End of Year Mass @9:15am
Pray Together
Whole School Colour Event - Friday 6 Dec
To celebrate the end of year and farewell our Grade 6’s, we are holding a Colour Event on Fri 6th December.
This will be a casual clothes day and children are encouraged to wear eye protection (swimming goggles work well) and a white/light coloured t-shirt to show-off the colours. Appropriate enclosed footwear must be worn. The children, in their grade levels, will run through an obstacle type course where staff will spray Indian Holi powder on the children’s clothing.
The Holi colour powder is non-toxic, non-flammable, skin safe, biodegradable and environmentally friendly. Made of corn starch and food grade colours, it is safe for all.
An example can be watched:
Please discuss this event with your child (perhaps watch the video together) and select the level of participation your child is comfortable with via the Connect Field request in PAM before Friday 29 November.
Christmas Eve Mass, Carols & Choir
Friends of St Johns - Invitation to attend
The Friends of St Johns would like to invite parents to attend a social meeting to finish off the year.
Wednesday 27 November @ 9:15am
Chandelier Cafe, Koo Wee Rup
Please register your interest (before Mon 25 Nov) via the link below to allow for booking:
Upcoming Events
Students in Grades 1 - 6 Commence
8:50 AM - 3:10 PM |
Foundation Students commence
8:50 AM - 3:10 PM |
Friends of St Johns Meeting (in the Hall)
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM |
Swimming Trials (Gr 3-6 only) & Swimming House Sports (Gr 1-6 only) - see calendar in PAM for full details
All day |
Grade 5/6 Camp - Forest Lodge Farm, Jack River
10 Feb 2025 - 12 Feb 2025 |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Sacramental Information night at Nar Nar Goon
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
Parent Teacher Interviews
3:30 PM - 6:00 PM |
District Swimming (Qualified Competitors Only) - see PAM for full details
All day |
Parent Teacher Interviews
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM |
Senior Swimming Lessons - see PAM for full details
All day |
OSHC (Out of School Hours Care)
After School Hours Care operates out of the St Johns hall before and after school.
Please contact OSHC directly for all enquiries:
Alternatively you can visit them in the hall before or after school to enquire.